
Files for printing should be a high resolution JPEG or PNG. If a file does not appear to be suitable, we will let you know before proceeding.

Text to be included on your item can also be a JPEG or PNG. We will also accept a PDF file. No other file formats will be accepted. They will be deleted without opening.

After your file is uploaded, click the purple upload files button and wait for a confirmation message. If you do NOT see the confirmation message, your file did not upload.

We are unable to print copyrighted or trademarked art, logos, photos, etc., that do not belong to you. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we do not violate intellectual property law. Your purchase price and shipping cost, if applicable, will be refunded. Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse to print any images or words that we feel are violent, offensive, pornographic, etc. Your purchase price and shipping cost, if applicable, will be refunded.
Your browser, unfortunately, is not supported by Flow.js. The library requires support for the HTML5 File API along with file slicing.
If you experience any upload issues, please click this link.
Drag & drop files here or select from your computer